Thursday 29 May 2014

The Way of Life
by Ilona Rosenthal-Payne

One day you stroll, through a meadow of light,
With your eyes wide open, full of joy and delight.
You feel as you are without worries and strife,
as you stumble along on the footpath of life.

You take a wee break, in this valley abound,
just minding the silence, like a heavenly sound.
You refresh in this moment of calmness and peace,
while you feel the kiss of a reviving breeze.

You continue your journey, but the lights disappear,
while darkness carries in a haze of fear. 
Your gaze is focused on the mountain ahead,
and your self is whispering to give up instead.

You lift  up your head, take a step at the time,
with hope in your heart, to the top you'll climb.
You don't look back, leave the worries behind,
with love in your heart and hope in your mind.

Every journey you take will have shadows and gloom,
but after the rain, the flowers will bloom.
Enjoy every step on life's changing way,
and treasure the love you'll find every day!

Tuesday 29 April 2014

When the road is calling his name

by Ilona Rosenthal-Payne

You still can taste that last burning kiss,
when your heart hurt so softly,
by the touch of his lips.
When you looked in his eyes,
full of sadness and hope,
and he touched your heart
in the most mysterious way.
When you waved Good Bye,
with tears in your eyes,
when he told you he loves you
while holding your hand.
When you knew that those miles
aren't light years away.
What the distance had taught you,
was that love doesn't leave,
on highway up North,
or on a barge going East.
All the roads that he'll travel,
all the miles he'll put on,
he'll always come back
to his heart and his home.

Tuesday 18 February 2014


by Ilona Rosenthal-Payne

When a heart is hurt, everything changes
the world you loved suddenly disappears,
all that's left is the shell of another new day,
into which you stumble with no direction.

When hurt holds you hostage and fear is your friend,
when the raging wind of change blows into your face
and fury burns like raging fire in the depth of your soul,
when life lost it's fragrance like the withered rose in the sun.

When memories kiss you onto your cheek at night,
and you pray to God to be strong one more time,
when the dawn of the day is light years away,
and darkness hovers over you like a ghost of the past.

That's when you need to search for the voice of your soul,
that's whispering to you softly a promise of hope,
don't stay in the darkness come into the light,
where the sun is shining and the rose is in bloom.

Let a new day begin with a sunset of joy,
give thanks to the blessings that surround you today,
take a walk with your friend, sing your children to sleep,
don't surrender to sorrow but let love lead your way.